Game Vision Statement

My first thought of when thinking of the words "Vision Statement" is what I hope to envision my game to look like or to be viewed to a potential player. In my vision statement I will be discussing all aspects of the game including research and interesting resource I have found.

In this blog I will be discussing many topics in relation to my game:
  • Introduction
  • Description
  • Key Features
  • Resources Required
  • Platforms
  • Game Genre
  • Concept Art

The name of this platform game is 'Escape The Maze' and it is a fast pace one player running video game that involves a player trying to outrun a mysterious monster while overcoming obstacles through an adventurous maze.

I decided to call it 'Escape The Maze' as it was simple and was straight to the point. You know exactly what the aim of the game is.


The game is a platform fast paced video game.

The start of the game is that you will hear a loud noise almost like a roar this will be the 'mysterious monster' noticing you for the very first time, and from then on you know you will need to run from it. As you start running there will be noises to match the surrounding that you will be seeing while playing the game such as birds chirping and a fast pace beat to keep you intensified through the game. While running you should be on high alert for any obstacles that may come in your path like a box or a fallen tree that you must jump over so you won't be caught by the monster.

While avoiding all of these obstacles that are in your path you will need to keep an eye out when running as you are still trying to escape this hectic maze. You will be constantly moving and making turns and sliding under obstacles. When doing this you will be moving your character by using your mouse to click on which direction you think you should be going in, to help you through this maze. If you make it passed all of the obstacles without being caught you will reach the end which is the exit from the first maze, and you will then continue on to the next level which will bring you to the start of a new maze.

Key features: 

The player will be able to run.

The player will hopefully be able to avoid obstacles that come in their path.

If you bump fail you will not make it onto the next level.

The player will be able to jump over and under obstacles.

Resources Required:
There are a lot of different elements required for making the game. I have looked through Unity, and I will gather and download the assets from there. I will need assets like background objects such as trees , walls , animals , nature and plants. I will also need assets to help me create the monster, in my game.

Video Links:
I found an example on YouTube of a designers final game creation of a running video game that they made on Unity.

I found another Youtube video example of a tutorial on Unity that I think will come in handy for me when creating my game. This video explains how to create obstacles and how the runner will overcome them throughout the game.

As I am still learning the basics of game design,  the game will only be playable on laptops or pc.

Game Genre:
After research I realised that my game is a platform game, this means that the players control the character movements like running, jumping or sliding over obstacles.
I found a website article here that describe popular game genres, by reading this it help me understand what genre my game falls under. 

Concept Art:
Below I have drawn a sketch of what I hope the game will look like.

Thanks for reading 



  1. Hi Mia! I feel like we haven't really talked to each other before haha. It is also my first time reading one of your blog posts and I already like the purple color shade you picked for your blog!! It's really cute! (I like cute things haha)

    I really like how well laid out is your blogpost because you give a bullet points of headings that you will be talking about for this blog and I find it very useful as it shows me what I expect to be reading. The title of your game is very straightforward but it is a good choice as it is very clear and really show what would be the game like. My game is also a maze puzzle genre therefore it really helped me visualize your game better! You also explained all the headings really well as I can already imagine how your game would look like.

    I am also impressed how you already know what sound effects and specific features you will be using in your game such as the birds chirping sound, and other more sounds at the background. I am wondering how you did you came up with your idea and what is your inspirations to create this game. What are the rewards the player would get during the game?

    One suggestion that I think would help (I am not sure if you already consider this) adding three lives for your player to have to encourage them to complete the level instead of just letting them retry the game. I hope my comment would help and good luck making your project!

  2. Hi Mia, you have a very nice and welcoming looking blog. I like the layout, would recommend to make the text a bit darker in colour to make it stand out from the white more for easier reading apart from that it is very practical to view different posts. Your blog post are well structured and clear to the point. I like your game idea as well, it sounds fun with some adrenaline. It looks like you got your game all planned out and ready to go. I’m wondering if the player will have any extra lives or awards to collect along the way. Have you planned out the monster? What view will the player have? Maybe you could have some extra lives to collet along the player’s path. Have a think about it and Goodluck

  3. Hi Mia!
    I read all your posts about your game and I really love your game idea; I think it can be developed well and a really fun game to play! It is such a creative idea to do, I love these types of games, I'm not much of a gamer but these would be my favourite! All the assets you plan on using is a good shout it'll make it look great! It's obvious how much thought and effort you've put into it. Really enjoyed it overall, I’m looking forward to it being completed and hopefully I will be able to play it! Best of luck! -Megan


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