My thoughts before using 'Unity'
As a person who has never used 'unity' before I'm quite apprehensive as I really don't know what to expect. I do have a feeling it is going to be hard, as I've mentioned in a blog post before I am not a 'Gamer', but you never know after this module I could become one. I know at first I will find using 'Unity' confusing but I'll eventually get into the swing of things. I hope it becomes a easy-ish tool that I can become more comfortable with as I continue with the weekly tasks from home.
My thoughts during using 'Unity'
TIP: You need ALOT of patience, it takes forever to load which is annoying, also when I finally got onto the page I couldn't figure out how to use the site. Eventually I got the website working which gave instructions and step by step tutorials on how to use 'unity'. So far I'm not the biggest fan but I know once I learned the basics I'll be fine.
My thoughts after completing the 'Unity' tasks
My opinion hasn't really changed, I did find the tutorials quite hard as I have never used 'Unity' before. The only part I felt that was some-what easy was the coding part, as I have done that last year. I hope I start to enjoy using 'Unity' soon.
I have learned how to use 'Unity', I have also learned some basic tools that will definitely help me this coming semester.
What I enjoyed / difficult
If I was to be honest I found it all quite difficult, just because it is something new to me, I really enjoyed the tutorials as I felt they were helpful, and I wouldn't be able to complete the task without them.
What I am looking forward to
I am looking forward to seeing the final result at the end of the semester, and I hope I become more comfortable using the 'Unity' application.
Photo Caption: Unity logo
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