First Playable


Photo Caption: Image of prototypes 

This week I started with working on my game but came into problems as nothing seemed to work for me for some reason. I realised I had a few glitches from last week that I never fully fixed so that was unfortunate that I had to add that onto my workload. So I spent a good 2 1/2 hours working on this.

In last weeks blog post I spoke about how I was making the terrain so this week I continued on from this and decided to start making trees to give my game a realistic feel. After creating this part I decided it probably would be best if I created a main menu section as I probably should of started off my first week with this part.  So for this part I watched a few YouTube tutorials that were quite helpful and easy to follow along to.

It took me a good while to complete the main menu section so I decided to start the player as I said last week I would do it in this week. I didn't get very far on this part so im planning next week I will spend more time on creating the character in full.

Thanks for reading my blog post - Mia x


  1. Hi Mia,I hope you are doing well!! I just was looking at your first playable game blog and well done!! It looks like you spent time this week developing your game. I also was trying to get my main page working, I couldn't in the end ! I wonder could you share the tutorial that you used. I wonder if you will have levels in your game? I was also thinking what if the player could collect power-ups throughout your game and when they do it would increase their spread for 10 seconds, this could give the player a boost and make it interesting! I wish you luck with your game. Aoibhe

  2. Hii, Mia!
    Here I am again hihihihi
    It's so annoying when you are working and a problem comes up from last week. I had problems too on my First Playable blog post, actually, the problem was with the internet so I had to go to old scripts to get the code to make it work :(
    I read your old project blog posts and your game really looks like fun! I really liked your idea of the audio and sound!
    Best of luck on the creation proccess of your game! Hope I can play it when it's done :D
    Lívia Alencar


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