For this weeks tasks we were asked to read 2 articles about 'feedback'. The first article I chose to read was Seven ways to crush self-doubt, I really enjoyed reading this article, it was easy to read and straight to the point. I agreed with the 'seven ways to crush the self-doubt'. Her tips included:
Photo Caption: feedback brainstorm
Trust Yourself:
I think this has to be one of the most important points that were made. You need to stop doubting yourself, you need to trust yourself and the process in which you are moving at. Don't be afraid to explore and try new things and just because nobody else agrees with you doesn't mean it's not achievable.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others :
I think its hard to fully accept the concept of 'not comparing ourselves to others' as in todays society we put ourselves down constantly for not being alike or better than others in every aspect of life, this can include physical appearance, finances, and many more things.
I think social media has a huge impact on this concept as we see these 'influencers' having the 'perfect life' when in fact this probably isn't the case at all!
I think from a young age we are 'brainwashed' into the idea of trying to be better than the person beside us, whether that's in academics or sports its a concept that we all grew up believing we had to achieve. I think this is sad as we all move at our own pace and by comparing ourselves to others we are constantly trying to improve ourselves but not for the right reasons.
I can't truly say that I have stopped comparing myself to other now, as that would be a lie, but I think I'm slowly getting there but it'll take me some time.
Set Goals that are within your control:
I also really liked this idea a lot, I think that everyone should try follow this idea. Set a goal that you know is reachable for you and only you. Don't just try and set goals to be the best person , set goals that make you work hard for yourself and not for others.
Give yourself goals that are reachable for you, that you know you can achieve and give yourself some credit for how hard you are working.
Another article I tried to read was 'A fixed mindset could be holding you back' but personally I couldn't read it. It was very overcomplicated and too much information on the page so I tried again and ended up reading Why it’s so hard to hear negative feedback which I loved!
Before reading this article I wanted to share down my own thoughts of this topic. I think that it is so hard for us to hear 'negative feedback' as we don't want to be told we were wrong in any aspect. If I was to spend a lot of time working on something - a project or a task, it does take awake the satisfaction of feeling as if though you did a good job. By someone telling you different it does hurt but overall its good to hear other opinions as everyone has their own unique thoughts.
First of all I really like this idea of 'craving negative feedback' I think it's quite clever. We spend our whole lives not wanting the inevitable 'negative feedback' but in fact it's what gives us our best outcomes. Its a basic catch 22 situation.
I think this article is great as it explains exactly how it feels to give and receive negative feedback and I think if you haven't you should go and read it now!
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