As I've said before I am not a gamer at all! But I did like a few games growing up, when brainstorming I tried to think of games I once played. I took inspiration from games like Mario Kart, Grand Theft Auto, The Simpsons Game and Temple Run. When doing this brainstorm I realised that there is certain concepts that you must follow to create or make a game, these concepts are
- Environment - Where is this game taking place?
- Genre - What is the style of game?
- Goals - What do yo have to achieve?
- Rules - What you can and cannot do / obstacles you are to overcome?
Below I have listed 4 game ideas that I have came up with:
Game Idea 1 - Racing Game
My favourite game of all time will always be 'Mario Kart'. I loved the element of racing against someone and trying to beat them is always fun as it becomes more competitive. When brainstorming ideas for a game I knew I really wanted to create a game with the concept of racing or driving as it is a universal theme that all types of people will play. I am still in the process of finalising the actual game idea but for now I think my idea is to make a video game based on racing but through Ireland. Each level you will race and complete tasks that will bring you to the next level. Each level you will access a new county, for example you start in Dublin and when you complete the level you move onto Kildare and so on.
I'm not 100% sure yet if I want to choose Ireland as the location or environment for the game. I was also thinking of doing famous cities instead like Paris, London or Rome, just because it would be more interesting I think.
I think with the help from the 'Unity' tutorials I could possibly make a great car racing game. Also I found some YouTube videos about car racing games that seemed quite interesting I will link it here:
So far with 'Unity', I don't have many skills as of yet but I have learned how to make a car go down a road. I have also learned how to drive around an obstacle so hopefully these factors will come in handy. I hope to learn a lot more as the weeks go on.
Below I have linked a video to demonstrate how to play 'Mario kart'
Environment - Ireland.
Genre - Futuristic.
Goals - Each level if you win or complete tasks you move onto a different county which is a new level.
Rules - Beat people in the race to make it to the new level.
Photo Caption: Mario Kart Image
Game Idea 2 - Interactive Game (COVID Edition)
For the next game Idea I wanted to come up with something that has a relevant topic to grab the players attention. So I thought that the best idea would to be create an interactive game involving COVID 19.
When brainstorming for this idea a few games came to mind like - The Simpsons game - which is an interactive game that allows the player to do all sorts of activities like driving, walking , speaking , running and many many more. I wanted to include COVID because that could be the end result to the game is to find the 'cure'. Each task brings you one step closer to finding the cure.
An idea I have include are each level you receive a new mask.
Im still not 100% certain I want to include COVID as yet, but I just thought that It was an interesting theme to throw into the mix.
Like the last game idea this game would include driving but I would create a new world instead of using the location as Ireland.
Areas I will need to learn to finish the game:
For this game I would need to learn a few skills like including characters that could walk around and move objects and be able to drive.
I will also need to learn how to create a new background for each new level.
Photo Caption: Simpsons Game Image.
Photo Caption: Simpsons Driving Image.
Another Game that came to mind when coming up with ideas for an interactive game was GTA(Grand Theft Auto). Like the Simpsons game it allows the character to complete tasks while being interactive but with this game there is more violence involved and also it is a different rating. With 'Grand Theft Auto' I know it is more violent based, but with my game it wouldn't be like that.
Environment - Modern Day
Genre - Interactive game
Goals - To either cure 'Corona virus' or get through each level successfully.
Rules - Must find clues to access next level.
Game Idea 3 - Maze
Why I am interested in this game:
What really got me interested in this idea was the old 'Pac Man' game. I used to love playing this when I was younger. I remember playing it on my 'gameboy' when I was like 6 and the excitement it would cause me is indescribable. I also found the game to be quite addictive, I felt as if though you were on your toes constantly as you wanted to make it across before you were eaten. I want to try to recreate at my own version that I can play for fun.
Identify previous knowledge to help you develop this idea:
So far I have no knowledge on how to create a maze game but I was thinking of drawing out some mazes to give myself some guidelines or grids to follow when its time to put it all online. Below I have a Link to YouTube video on how to make a maze game. I found it quite interesting and it seems pretty straight forward so here's hoping it turns out that way.
Identify areas you will need to learn to finish the game:
I will need to learn how to create a maze.
I will need to learn how to create a system in which the player stays in the maze and have a chaser following the player constantly.
Also as this is a new game I will need to learn a new software to create and play the game functionally.
Environment - Grassland
Genre - Futuristic
Goals - To get through the maze without getting caught
Rules - Collect points.
When researching I found many games that involved a maze below is a photo of a google search I made when you type in maze games.
link to video tutorial how to make a maze game:
This here is the basic paceman grid
I hope to follow a similar pattern of maze to this and incorporate it into my game
Game Idea 4 - Running / Chase Game
I remember when this game first came out it was all the rage and everyone I knew had it and couldn't stop playing it. It was extremely addictive and it made you want to scream when you died. But each time I died I would start again and I have no clue why. Now as I am older I don't see how something like that was so addictive but when doing research for this brainstorm I decided to re-download the game, and just like before I couldn't stop playing it. I want to make a game that is as addictive as this one was for me.
Photo Caption: Temple Run Game
If you haven't heard or played the game 'Temple Run' below I have a link to a YouTube video of what the game is all about.
Why I am interested in this game:
I am interested in this game as it has a universal theme, which is running and also because any person can play it. I hope this game is fun and interesting to play while being addicting to play.
My idea for this game is to take some inspiration from the game 'Temple Run'. The player will be set tasks they must complete to move onto the next level. They will face many obstacles like eg. trees, dangerous animals, fires, etc. I hope to include a lot of visuals like a jungle background or have forest features as the background. I hope to include many noises like animals, and nature sound effects to give it real video game feel.
Another thing that comes to mind when brainstorming this game is the movie "The Maze Runner"
It is based on a boy named 'Thomas' who is trapped in a massive maze, with the help from his friends they try and escape the maze alive and are constantly trying to outrun a monster who only comes out at night time. I really loved this movie and I hope to take a lot of inspiration from it, including the sound effects and also the aspect of out running a monster.
Environment - undecided.
Genre - 3D - Interactive running game.
Goals - To out run the 'monster'
Thanks for reading
- Mia
Hello again Mia! I just read your final game idea post so thought I would go back and see what it was up against. I think the two best were the Running/Chasing game (which you ended up using) and the Covid Game that was inspired by the Simpsons and GTA. I think you made the right choice as the Covid game may have been a little too complex for the level we are all at right now but I'd love to see you try it out in the future if you get a chance!