Games GDD
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The first article I read this week was 'Communication and Game Design Documents'. I found this article to be very factual and had a lot of useful information that I think will benefit me in the long run when I create my game.
I learned that, 'Game Designer Documents' help the designer communicate their ideas to their team.
I also learned that design documents are broken down into six different categories that have many components within these categories:
Design - This is to present the vision of the game for the players
Engineering - This is the technical parts of the game
- Technical Design Document
- Pipeline Overview
- System Limitations
Art - This is the creative / visual part of the game
- Art Bible
- Concept Art Overview
Management - This is the business part behind the game
- Game Budget
- Project Schedule
Writing - This the information portion behind creating the game
- Story Bible
- Script
- Game Tutorials and Manual
Player - Feedback from players
- Walkthrough
I jotted down information from this article that I thought was good to know for game design documents:
- Keep it short, sweet and simple
- Know your target audience and work with this information
- Prioritise the design and layout
- Clear terminology
I think all these points I mentioned are extremely important when creating a game design document.
The second article I read was 'How to Write a Game Design Document'
This article was really great, it explained all the aspects that I need to include in my design document and it also gave examples on how to describe each section.
Project Description
This is a summary of what the game is about, this part is similar to an introduction which should only be a few sentences or maybe a small paragraph.
You need to introduce your character from your game before the game can begin.
You need a background to establish a location or environment and why the game exists.
Story Progression
This part keeps the player interested in continuing to play the game.
Game Play:
- Goals
- UserSkills
- Mechanics
- Items and PowerUps
- Progression and Challenge
- Losing
Art Style
Describing the visual of the game
Music And Sound
This part adds a realistic feeling to the game.
Technical Description
What platform you can play on eg. Android, smartphone, pc or laptop
Marketing and Fundraising
This part is more so the behind the scenes of creating the game and how to get publicity and funds to either create or promote the game to the public.
This is the target Audience ,who the game relates to, what age group or type of people would play it.
Below is a few articles I found that were also quite helpful when looking for information on how to create a design document
Youtube Video:
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