Unity Tutorial 2

 Week 4 - Tutorial 2 

After many attempts I tried to access my unity account but the file would not grant me access to use it. So I had to uninstall it and redo all the tutorials from the beginning which was not fun and took me a few days to do :( 
By doing this I had to submit this task late unfortunately as I was on a good streak of being early with assignments and tasks.

After restarting all the unity tutorials I finally managed to catch up and be on track. I found this weeks tutorials manageable but I did need to rewatch the tutorials over and over again.

This week I continued on with my 'Unity' tutorials and completed the lesson 1.4.  Last week I was very proud of myself for managing to make the car move straight down the road after many failed attempts.

I learned how  to swerve past objects and obstacles when driving the car and also to view different perspectives while doing so.

After restarting all the unity tutorials I finally managed to catch up and be on track. I found this weeks tutorials manageable but I did need to rewatch the tutorials over and over again.

After this I completed the 'Challenge 1 & Quiz Plane Programming', I found this very difficult but eventually got there.

What I learned from this weeks tasks is that it will take me a good while to get used to using 'Unity' comfortably. At the moment I am struggling with them but I know these things take time.
