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This week I completed two unity tutorials and I just found out that these are the last ones so I am delighted.
This week is a continuation of the tutorial from last weeks tutorial. So first I started off with Lesson 4.4 For-Loops For Waves (50 mins) this did take me some time as my computer kept crashing which lead me to have to restart the last tutorial as the computer wouldn't acmes my tutorial from last week that I had completed, but eventually we got there.
Then I completed the Challenge 4 & Quiz Soccer Scripting, this almost killed me as I wanted to give up so many times and I had so many issues with it. I had to look for help online, so I found a tutorial and also a pdf doc that was quite helpful.
I have to say in the nicest way possible, I am so delighted to be done with these type of unity tutorials they really made me want to rip my hair out. Proud of myself for completing them but even happier they're over.
Thanks for reading this weeks final unity tutorial post :)
Next week I will talking you through tutorials that are essential for my game that I am creating.
- Mia 
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