Week 11 - Project - Beta

 Hey and welcome back to my blog so as I was mentioning last week I decided to not work on the monster as it took up a lot of storage which I do not have on my laptop so I focused on the player instead. As usual I had a rocky start with my game on unity. I think I will never fully grasp enjoying using unity as something always turns out to go wrong on me, so when I saw another issue I was not shocked at all. So unity completely wiped my game, I don't no whether it was how I saved the game or if its to do with my storage on this laptop so I had to start from scratch :( This led me to going back on past tutorials like how to make the terrain and the track for the player to run. 

I really hope this week I manage to finish my game completely if unity doesn't be an issue again, but we shall see. 
I hope next week I don't run into more problems ... so fingers crossed.

Thanks for reading my blog post , sorry there wasn't anything new to read as I keep having the same problems each week.


  1. Hey Mia! Sorry to hear your game is giving you hassle. My game done something similar this week, it didn't clear the whole thing but some elements of my game also deleted it's so annoying!! I just looked through your blog and it looks like you've done a lot of work this semester so it should be all good! Good luck with the rest of our other modules this semester!


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