

Hello there and welcome back to my blog it has been a while!
So, this week we are doing something different that we haven’t done before in this module. For our reading task we were asked to continue with our research and also to read four academic papers relating to our topic that we chose. I decided to choose the topic of “Advertisement in Gaming” as I have always been interested in marketing/ advertisement, so I thought this gave me a chance to find out more about the topic. This week I am somewhat excited I’ve always been interested in reading and writing but I hope I don’t find these bibliographies too much as I want to be able to stay focus on the task at hand. Usually whenever I have to read a big paper, I try to take it in sections and note anything to try and break down the information so that it’s not too much to try and digest. So, when starting this reading task that’s exactly what I tried to do below I have the link to my annotated bibliography.
 Paper 1

This paper takes on the concepts that benefit advertisements for video games, and how they cause a consumer to purchase certain games from certain companies. It discusses many topics such as 'Advergames' , 'Around-Game Advertising' and 'In Game Advertisements', from these 3 topics they are then broken down and analysed thoroughly with graphs and a lot of factual information. It starts off by breaking down how the earning of gamers has changed over the last few years and all how the demographic has changed which overall has only benefitted the gaming industry. The author delves into explaining the 3 different topics into simple terms.

Firstly the author begins to explain the reason the term 'advergames' was created and what It represents. 
'Advergames' basically means advertising and games combined, these type of games are made to reinforce different mechanisms basically to keep the customer and to have their loyalty. The term also be used to help lead theme to be promoted to other consumers which creates a 'persuasion mechanism'.

Secondly, the author explains ' In Game Advertising' in simple terms it means advertising products and services within a game. The main objective here is to always only showcase the service or product as what it truly is. When promoting the product it should always be shown in a positive light.
Lastly the author explains 'Around Game Advertising', this is a form of marketing in which portrays a message without disturbing the gamer from the game or the environment. An example of this can be in the form of an advert, this advert could be used before or after a game or even during a break. 
Another example of this can be in the form of sponsorships. A sponsorship will promote a game and drag attention towards a product or service within the game.

            Link to image :Annotated bibliography... Whaaaaat? - Overly Attached Cat | Make a Meme
